Money matters! Get help to better manage your money and break the cycle of debt and poverty.


Financial COACH

It is a financial coaching program for individuals or couples experiencing financial difficulties who are wanting to better manage their money and break the cycle of debt and poverty. The program helps improve budgeting, manage spending, controlling debt and financial wellbeing.

Please note that the mentors are NOT financial counsellors, planners or advisors. They do NOT promote or provide any specific financial products and services.

Open to individuals and couples experiencing disadvantage, lack of finance, unemployment, or on a pension

Available to residents of Knox municipality only as appointments will be conducted at the CityLife Community Care centre.

Agency or self-referral.

How to join?
If you would like to know more about this program please contact us.

All appointments are dependent on mentor availability.

At CityLife Community Care Knox
(By appointment only)
1248 High Street Road, Wantirna South, VIC 3152
03 9871 8900